I guess this is just a rant, not a real educational insight into my mind. How come I have way more in common with the majority of men that I deal with than women. I want sex twice a week at minimum every week. Once a week will do however I get so stressed out and it’s my stress relief. There are times where it’s literally hard to think about anything else. There was a statistic that I heard a long time ago that men think about sex once or twice every minute I am definitely on par with that. I catch myself glancing at a man’s groin and wondering what that cock looks like or at women and I will wonder if she tastes good. I am grateful I have such a high sex drive but sometimes it becomes debilitating. To a point where I fear being around someone I highly sexually desire. Would love to hear from others that also struggle at times for an overly active sex drive. Please leave me a comment or two.
Need Sex

One reply on “Need Sex”
Even though I’m a man, I have a high sex drive (but it’s not constant). Unfortunately, I have no girlfriend for that release besides masturbation, I have to wait till my various vacation times so I can travel back home and see my various special lady friends.